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Set the Right Price from the Start

Thinking about selling your home but unsure where to start? It’s completely normal to feel a bit overwhelmed by setting the right price. The Shaffer Team is here to simplify the process and guide you with confidence. Just fill out the form below, and we’ll provide you with a personalized home value assessment to help you get started.

By giving us your phone number and email address, you are giving Don Shaffer & The Shaffer Team permission to contact you via email, phone, or text.

Tips, Tricks, and Resources to Make Your Life Easier

When it comes to buying a home, knowledge is power. Here's all the resources you need to make a wise financial decision in buying a home in Central Ohio. Have a question we haven't answered yet? Give us a call today to catch up!


Have some pressing questions about real estate in Central Ohio? Review our buyer FAQ's to learn more.

Mortgage Calculator

Want to get a better estimate of your monthly payments? Check out our handy mortgage calculator.

Explore Central Ohio

Our Central Ohio Pages contain information on specific towns, communities, attractions, and more.

Relocation Package

Request your free relocation guide today to learn even more about relocating to the Central Ohio.

Steps to Buying a Home

Whether or not you're a new buyer, it can be good to refresh your memory on what to expect.

First-Time Buyers

Even if you don't know where to begin, you, too can be a successful home-buyer in Central Ohio.

Maximize Your Sale with The Shaffer Team

The real estate market in Central Ohio is as dynamic as ever. Properties come and go quickly, and sometimes the best deals don’t even make it to the weekend open house. With our Instant Alerts, you’re essentially putting yourself in the front row every time a new listing pops up. It's like having a personal real estate assistant who’s always on duty, making sure you don’t miss out on anything.